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How to Tell if You Need Glasses

How to Tell if You Need Glasses From Your Houston Optometrist

The human body is like a high-functioning machine. While it usually remains in proper working condition, its parts may occasionally need repairing. Two parts that are likely to need servicing are the eyes. Unfortunately, many people will ignore or misunderstand their symptoms instead of admitting that they might need glasses. Outside of visiting our Houston optometrist, there are common symptoms that may indicate that a person needs to wear glasses.

Woman with glasses at Houston Optometrist office

Blurred Vision

An eye that functions properly is able to adjust itself when focusing on objects near and far. However, some people will find their vision blurring when attempting to focus on particular objects. Someone whose vision blurs when reading a sign or watching television may be suffering from nearsightedness. Likewise, people whose vision blurs while reading or sewing may be suffering with farsightedness. People with oblong eyes, or astigmatism, will have difficulties focusing on objects near and far. Each condition can easily be treated with prescription eye glasses.


People get headaches for a multitude of reasons, so they're not always indicators that someone needs glasses. However, a pattern of headaches can be a signal that he or she does. Some headaches only occur after activities that specifically involve focusing of the eyes. Those that only occur after reading, typing or driving, for example, are indicators that they eye muscles are straining way too hard to focus. If this strain is not due to disease or a lack of sleep, glasses will be needed to reduce the amount of work for the eyes.


On its face, the act of squinting seems counterproductive in relation to vision. It is, but only if a person has normal vision. Oddly enough, squinting temporarily fixes vision issues for people who don't have normal vision. Nearsighted and farsighted people have a difficult time focusing light for objects at certain distances. Squinting helps them by manipulating the eye's exposure to light and allows it to focus if it wasn't initially able to do so. However, it is only a temporary fix. Difficulties focusing cannot be remedied without the use of glasses.

Need for More Light

Younger eyes usually need less light than older ones. As people age, their eye lenses harden and lose some of their ability to focus light. Even people with a history of normal vision may eventually find themselves straining to read under dim or natural lighting. To correct this issue, many of them will simply opt for brighter lighting conditions. However, brighter lights do not do anything to increase the flexibility of the eyes' lenses. Glasses won't reverse the damage either, but they will help the eyes to focus.

While these symptoms can be associated with other conditions, it's worth noting that such is not likely to be the case. Issues with vision are not likely to go away on their own. In order to restore quality vision, people who experience these symptoms should seek out the care of an optometrist. Your Houston optometrist will be able to best determine whether you need glasses.

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